Sunday, February 14, 2010


Week 1/Run 28
2.90 miles (5K according to my Nike+)
41 mins

Now that I am a C25K grad, I needed something to keep me going. Running 13 miles isn't just going to happen without me being able to push myself.

I came up with my own program to slowly increase my time. I added 3 minutes to every week and by week 10 I would be able to run 1 hour non stop and every Sunday I would run a 5K as fast as I could. That was the plan at least....

When I got to the gym I started chugging along. Everything was doing good, but after 15 minutes my legs turned to lead. I felt myself struggling with every step. I was exhausted and had to stop jogging at 20 minutes! 20 minutes! Are you kidding me?! That was so training 4 weeks ago! I somehow managed to walk/jog the entire 5K it took 42 minutes just to finish. Which wouldn't be so bad if on Thursday I finished the 5K in 39 minutes!!! I felt like I was going backwards.

After that I went home to try to find another program. A continuation from the C25K program. I found exactly what I was looking for! There is a program called OHR (One hour runner) program. Its a cont. from the C25K program. For the first 3 weeks all I need to do is run 30 minutes non-stop. Seems easy enough!

Wish me luck!! 10K here comes Laurie!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Im a C25K Grad!!!

Week 9/Run 27
5K (according to my Nike+)
39 minutes (30 mins jogging non-stop)

This last run of my C25K training was NOT easy. First all the treadmills that I usually use were busy and so I had to use a treadmill right in the line of everyone who walked by. I just knew that I couldn't quit and that I needed to keep going. I wasn't able to stop on my graduation day! I managed to push myself to jog the 30 minutes non-stop and then I walked (and jogged some) the rest of the way to get to the 5K. I left the gym happy, proud, dripping with sweat, and my face looking like a tomato.

If you told me a year ago that I would be able to run 30 minutes non-stop and complete a 5K, I probably would have laughed at you. I couldn’t even run 1 minute non-stop without feeling like I got hit in the stomach. I could never say that I could jog a mile non-stop in my life. It was something that has always plagued me throughout high school and my adult life. It was the reason I got benched in field hockey and the reason why I barely played. I was always in decent shape, but never in good shape.

For some reason, in December 2009 I decided that jogging was a good idea. Maybe it was because I saw there was a Disney Half Marathon or maybe it was because I wanted to conquer that darn mile. But for whatever reason, I said goodbye to sitting on my couch all day and hit the gym.

I started the Couch to 5K program and fell in love. I loved increasing my time and distance, I looked forward to going to the gym and I started feeling better about myself. Even though the program looked scary toward the last few weeks, I still pushed on. It surprised me every week and built my confidence. Somehow I was turning into a jogger for the first time in my life.

The first mile I jogged non-stop was surreal. I couldn’t believe I ever had an issue running it. It wasn’t that hard at all. Today, I can run a mile non-stop every time I hit the gym with no problems at all, it became easy for me. Every time I hit that first mile I think of how long it has taken me to get there. It’s a feeling that I can’t even explain.

I would like to thank the following for my achievement:

My ipod
For keeping me going

My Nike+ Shoes
For being comfortable and tracking my progress

My Blog
For listening to me vent
For keeping me going and encouraging me on

Coach McGivney
For benching me in field hockey for not jogging an entire mile, thank you for putting the goal in my head

Couch to 5K program
For creating a program that pushes me to the max

Cute guy on the treadmill
There is always this cute guy who works out near the same treadmills that I use. I push myself harder thinking that he may be watching me.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Can I do this?

Week 9/Run 26
1.96 miles
30 minute jog

All that stress from Sunday has melted away! Today I was able to push through all that and did my 30 minutes non-stop at a speed of 3.9mph which I pushed up to 4mph with 5 minutes left. It turns out my car only cost $300 dollars to fix which is much less then what I expected.

I am so nervous for Thursday. Can I jog 30 minutes non-stop again? Will I be able to push longer and do a full 5K? I have a hard time believing that I can jog the full 3.1miles but I know that I can at least walk the rest of the way. I would love to finish the whole thing in less then 45 minutes, but I don’t want to go crazy about it. I just want to say that I finished.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A run with my ex

Week 8/Run 24
28 minutes

Okay. Seriously??!! WTF!!

Life has been going pretty good for me lately. I have lost some weight, I am gaining more energy, starting to feel like I really am moving on and bettering myself. I can feel myself getting stronger both mentally and physically. True I go home alone every night, but I am working on myself first.

Yesterday, my co-worker brought me to her jewelry to see how much I could sell my wedding band and engagement ring. I was thinking I would be offered $600 for it. But I almost burst into tears when he said that he could only give me $400 for the set. $400!!! My beautiful engagement ring that I wore every day since the time I got it in 2004. My beautiful engagement ring that glittered in the light and had the more diamonds then I ever had on my finger. My beautiful engagement ring that has little hears carved in the metal where the diamonds are set. Just $400.

Some people have told me I should keep it and wear it anyways, but I never will. To me that ring is cursed. I want nothing more to do with it. But the jeweler was very nice to me and told me to head over to Kays or Zales and see if I could trade it in. So this Saturday I will make a trip over there to see what they can do for me. This is a very big step for me.

Then last night I was lying in bed reading and just when I was about to set my phone’s alarm I noticed it. My ex had tried to call me. What could he possible want from me? He took everything away from me, what else could he want? So I texted him back to see if he might have called me by accident. Since it was almost midnight and he called at 10:30pm I figured he must have went to bed (sleeping in the bed I helped pay for). So I tossed and turned almost all night. Why did he call me?

In the morning while I was getting ready he texted me back. This is how it went:

Ex: Yeah I did

Me: Why??

Ex: Nevermind…sorry if I woke u up or something

Me: I don’t go to bed at 10:30

Ex: Well u didn’t pick up so I figured you where either or busy…I guess it was busy then

Me: I was in the middle of something.

That was it. It is killing me not knowing what he wanted. My mind is swimming with different thoughts. Could he have known that I was trying to sell the ring and was now p-off at me? I doubt it. What I really think it is, is that the Superbowl is coming up this weekend. For the 8 years I have known him, we have had a Superbowl party. The last one I threw together was awesome/horrible all at the same time.

I always went all out for the Superbowl. I feel like I lost alittle bit of myself last year because I didn’t get to do what I normally do. This year I am invited to a party which makes me happy. But I am wondering if my ex has no one to watch the game with. I am pretty sure his cousin who he hangs around, doesn’t watch it. Maybe he will have to watch it all alone on that 52’ inch flatscreen (which I helped pay for) alone.

But I guess I may never know. I am not going to beg him to tell me. Curosity killed the cat. I don’t want to be sucked into thinking that he cares anymore. Sometimes I have thoughts of him calling me up and begging me to come back to him. I imagine myself saying “No” and leaving him in tears. But sometimes I imagine myself saying “Yes” and having him back in my life again.

I would be an idiot if I went back to him. How am I supposed to heal this broken heart if he keeps calling and ripping it open? Thank god I have this jogging program. It’s the only thing that keeps me focused and motivated. I would be home eating McDonald's and ice cream. GRRRRR!!!
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