Thursday, February 11, 2010

Im a C25K Grad!!!

Week 9/Run 27
5K (according to my Nike+)
39 minutes (30 mins jogging non-stop)

This last run of my C25K training was NOT easy. First all the treadmills that I usually use were busy and so I had to use a treadmill right in the line of everyone who walked by. I just knew that I couldn't quit and that I needed to keep going. I wasn't able to stop on my graduation day! I managed to push myself to jog the 30 minutes non-stop and then I walked (and jogged some) the rest of the way to get to the 5K. I left the gym happy, proud, dripping with sweat, and my face looking like a tomato.

If you told me a year ago that I would be able to run 30 minutes non-stop and complete a 5K, I probably would have laughed at you. I couldn’t even run 1 minute non-stop without feeling like I got hit in the stomach. I could never say that I could jog a mile non-stop in my life. It was something that has always plagued me throughout high school and my adult life. It was the reason I got benched in field hockey and the reason why I barely played. I was always in decent shape, but never in good shape.

For some reason, in December 2009 I decided that jogging was a good idea. Maybe it was because I saw there was a Disney Half Marathon or maybe it was because I wanted to conquer that darn mile. But for whatever reason, I said goodbye to sitting on my couch all day and hit the gym.

I started the Couch to 5K program and fell in love. I loved increasing my time and distance, I looked forward to going to the gym and I started feeling better about myself. Even though the program looked scary toward the last few weeks, I still pushed on. It surprised me every week and built my confidence. Somehow I was turning into a jogger for the first time in my life.

The first mile I jogged non-stop was surreal. I couldn’t believe I ever had an issue running it. It wasn’t that hard at all. Today, I can run a mile non-stop every time I hit the gym with no problems at all, it became easy for me. Every time I hit that first mile I think of how long it has taken me to get there. It’s a feeling that I can’t even explain.

I would like to thank the following for my achievement:

My ipod
For keeping me going

My Nike+ Shoes
For being comfortable and tracking my progress

My Blog
For listening to me vent
For keeping me going and encouraging me on

Coach McGivney
For benching me in field hockey for not jogging an entire mile, thank you for putting the goal in my head

Couch to 5K program
For creating a program that pushes me to the max

Cute guy on the treadmill
There is always this cute guy who works out near the same treadmills that I use. I push myself harder thinking that he may be watching me.

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