Sunday, February 14, 2010


Week 1/Run 28
2.90 miles (5K according to my Nike+)
41 mins

Now that I am a C25K grad, I needed something to keep me going. Running 13 miles isn't just going to happen without me being able to push myself.

I came up with my own program to slowly increase my time. I added 3 minutes to every week and by week 10 I would be able to run 1 hour non stop and every Sunday I would run a 5K as fast as I could. That was the plan at least....

When I got to the gym I started chugging along. Everything was doing good, but after 15 minutes my legs turned to lead. I felt myself struggling with every step. I was exhausted and had to stop jogging at 20 minutes! 20 minutes! Are you kidding me?! That was so training 4 weeks ago! I somehow managed to walk/jog the entire 5K it took 42 minutes just to finish. Which wouldn't be so bad if on Thursday I finished the 5K in 39 minutes!!! I felt like I was going backwards.

After that I went home to try to find another program. A continuation from the C25K program. I found exactly what I was looking for! There is a program called OHR (One hour runner) program. Its a cont. from the C25K program. For the first 3 weeks all I need to do is run 30 minutes non-stop. Seems easy enough!

Wish me luck!! 10K here comes Laurie!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you don't mind, I found your blog from Spark People - I signed up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon group you're in charge of yesterday.

    I'm signing up for a 10k in October and I'm doing a 5k next month. I hadn't heard of the One Hour Runner program but it sounds great!

    I think we all have our good days and our bad days with running. I hate feeling like I'm sliding backward, but even that's not necessarily the case even if you have a run not go as well as previous runs. We all have our off days :)


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