Friday, January 15, 2010

BL Wii Challenge: Week 1

This was my first full week at the "Ranch". So far, so good. I am following the 12 week program and have to say that it makes me sweat. See for yourself.
Ewww! This has to be the first at home workout that I actually sweat like that. So it must be doing something for me.

My schedule with the program is Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Tonight I had a weight-in and challenge.

After a week of following this game I have a few complaints:
- Jillian only has 5 sayings in this game. None of them are harsh like she is on the show. I think is she tells me one more time "Give me all you can" when I am pushing myself already, I am going to mute throw something at my tv.
-I got calories for doing nothing. The game basically is an honor system. I am only cheating
myself for not doing the exercises. But I expected Jillian to yell at me or something, but she actually said she was proud of me when I was just standing there.
- The game doesn't explain how to do exercises. I basically have no time to learn how to do an exercise and I some I don't even know if I am doing correctly. I wish the game would explain how to do an exercise at least once!
- They don't tell me when to stop! When I am doing planks, its hard enough to focus on what I am doing, but the game doesn't even tell me when to stop and move to the next exercise! So I have to peek at the tv to see when to move on! Its annoying.

So tonight was my big challenge and weight in! I have to admit, the challenge was....challenging!! I had to peddle a bike by doing tire drills and football drills. At first I was kicking butt! I thought I won. But I guess I had to go until everyone was eliminated. So after doing these exercises for over 10 minutes I started to build up a sweat. I had full confidence that I was going to win this.

But then I got cocky and tired and ended up getting myself eliminated! Poop. Its okay, I felt that I had a really good weight lose this week to make up for that. Plus there was not elimination today so its all good.

Time for the weight in! I get on the Wii board. I was not happy about that because it was 7pm and I had food in my belly. I usually weight myself first thing in the morning and I according to the scale I lost 5lbs but according to the Wii Board I only lost 4lbs. Not too bad I guess.

Instead of my player weighing what I was, it posted the weight of the Biggest losers "Ali" that I played as. This annoyed me. Why couldn't it say my weight! Plus I lost 4lbs not 7lbs!!! Grrr!! I wish it was more customized to me! Oh well. So My goal is to try to get her done to 199lbs. I would like to see her smaller.

So I guess my first week was a success! Lost 5lbs! Well according to the game only 4lbs....but its a tough workout and I am excited to see if they can give me the 39lb weight loss it promised!

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