Thursday, January 28, 2010

A silver lining

Week 7/Run 21
1.68 miles
25 mins

So this week pretty much stunk. It reminded me of that book Grover's Bad, Awful Day". Everything just seemed to happen to me. Notice that I didn't even blog about Tuesday run. It was such a crappy week and its not even over!! Its only Thursday. What was so bad about my week, you ask? Please let me tell you:

- I forgot my Nike+ tracker at home during Sundays run, so for the first time this year I couldn't track my run
- Both Sunday and Tuesday I could not finished my 25 minute run and had to walk with only 5 minutes remaining.
- I was really trying hard to be on time for work this year (I was late 33 times last year!!) but today my car wouldn't start and I was 8 minutes late for work
- Due to being late AGAIN my boss told me if I was late one more time I would receive a warning. I almost started to cry. I guess it doesn't matter that in 9 years at that place I only called in sick maybe 5 times or have never taken advantage of my sick time like other people do.
- My ex's cousin IMed me to tell me how sorry she was with the divorce. This was nice until she told me that my ex told her all about his new girlfriends. This p- me off a bit to know that he can find a girlfriend and I'm still single.
- My work has blocked almost every website I visit. So now I can't keep up with my blog at work.

So that was the highlights of my bad week. I thought it was all going to carry over to my run tonight. But I got on that stupid treadmill and I pushed myself. I ran all 25 minutes at a pace of 4mph. I was so happy to end the run week with myself pushing through.

Before I went to the gym, I tried to break it down why I couldn't finish the last two runs. I really wanted to get down to the problem and fix it. I know I could do 25 minutes, I did it for week 6/run 17. So what was the problem. I came up with the following conclusions:

Sunday: I woke up with a horrible headache and slight hangover. I really was not in the mood to go running at all. The icing on the cake was forgetting my Nike+ tracker. It was as if it popped my running balloon. Oh and I running with TOM which is never a good time.

Tuesday: I didn't have a very good weight loss and that bothered me. I also got on the treadmill thinking I was going to really push myself and was jogging at a pace of 4.1 which doesn't sound like too much but I think I was going too fast too soon. I should have not tried to push myself. I could barely finish this run, it was way too much for me.

So with this in mind, I jogged tonight with a steady pace of 4mph and refused to go any faster (even though the last minute I did race the pace up to 4.1) and I just let the run happen. When I was done I was feeling pretty darn tired. But I did it. Now I figured that as long as I can finish the week without walking, then I can advance in this program. I am starting Week 8 Sunday!! Only 6 more runs till I graduate!!

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