Sunday, December 13, 2009

Finally done and a new jog week.

Week 2/Run 4
1.20 Miles
20 Minutes

This morning I woke up nice and early, put on my makeup, made my hair look nice, pulled up my Uggz boots and drove over to my ex's house. This was my last trip that I would need to do. All I had to do was grab the rest of my stuff and leave. I was not going to cry, beg or even ask what he was up to. I was going there as a strong woman.

I go there and my ex was his typically asshole self. He tried asking me how I was doing and whats going on in my life. I just tried to get my stuff and leave. We were civil to each other which is rare since we seem to fight after 5 minutes of talking and I didn't have to face any of his family. THANK GOD!! That was a major concern of mine because I really didn't want people to talk to me.

I loaded up my car with my stuff and was ready to head off. For some dumb reason, I thought I would show him my tattoo. BIG MISTAKE. He took one look at it and said "I'm not a big fan. I don't even know what it is." What an #&@* loser. I can't stand him. He then offered to show me his nipple ring, I said no and something very mean (which I wasn't too proud of)

I turned on my car, said a quick goodbye and drove off not looking back. I was pretty proud of myself and felt like I finally am done with him. There are a few things that I lost in the divorce that I am very angry about. I can get over the big screen tv, the bedroom set, our new couch and all those appliances that we got in the shower. But what I am p-off about is losing a few pictures that I had framed including my graduation picture with my tassel and my fifth grade camp photo. I am also made that I lost a very large tiger latch-hook project that took me 4 years to complete. He swears that I gave it to him for a gift. I never did. :( Those items are the things I can't replace. I hate him for that.

Anyways.... about my jog now; I really passed the first week with little to no-problems. This week is slightly more difficult. This is what I have to do:

Walk: 2 Minutes Jog: 90 Seconds. All for a total of 20 minutes.
It wasn't too difficult. I found myself checking the time alittle more then I did last week. I think what I need to learn is how to pace myself. I am constantly feeling the need to go faster and really all I want to do is finish without feeling like I got punched in the stomach. I jogged twice at 3.9mph and then brought it back to 3.8. The last 30 seconds I jogged at 4mph. I guess I am just trying to advance way to fast. It may not be an issue this week but next week is going to kick my butt if I don't learn how to pace myself. This is next weeks:
Jog: 90 seconds Wak: 90 seconds Jog: 3 mins Walk: 3 mins TWICE!!
The 90 seconds won't kill me its the whole 3 minutes of jogging. I am terrified! But if I keep my pace to 3.8/3.4 mph I should be ok. I want to push myself so much. But I get concerned when 90 seconds of jogging hurts my legs and makes me winded. Doing 3 mins straight is going to be murder. I might be doing that week twice...

I am still working on that mile.

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